TDSwhite: Blog en-us (C) TDSwhite [email protected] (TDSwhite) Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:36:00 GMT Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:36:00 GMT TDSwhite: Blog 120 120 Lights, Snow, Action! Winter White String Lights And SnowWinter White String Lights And SnowWinter White String Lights And Snow. This morning I captured wintery scene in Meredith, New Hampshire as the sun was not to shine on this day leaving the morning a bit dark allowing for the left over white string lights from December to shine in the fresh fallen snow.  The temperature continues to fall as it nears zero degrees Fahrenheit. I love the winter season (to look at, not to drive in) but I cannot wait for the days to get warmer as Spring approaches, breathing new life to a cold dormant land.

[email protected] (TDSwhite) New England New England Winter New Hampshire Snow Snow Covered String lights White lights Winter Winter Wonderland Wintery Sun, 19 Jan 2014 17:50:12 GMT